Archive for tag: pole dance class new york

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Self-love lessons we can learn from Rihanna

Self-love lessons we can learn from Rihanna

I made an Instagram post about this and wanted to bring it here in this blog because I think it’s...

Your Body Loves You. Love It Back!

Your Body Loves You. Love It Back!

Our theme this month is self-love. I want to discuss this week how our bodies have an incredible capacity to...

Keep the cheer all year with a bedtime routine!

Keep the cheer all year with a bedtime routine!

Can  you believe it’s already February 1st? I only wrote one newsletter last month, I am truly sorry about that!...

Happy New Year! 🎊 Here’s a tip…

Happy New Year! 🎊 Here’s a tip…

Happy New Year! When we think about the new year, the next thing we think about is resolutions or goal...

Give yourself this gift

Give yourself this gift

December gives us all an opportunity to reflect on what we have accomplished in the past year, what we are...

I’m disappointed in you, but I still love you.

I’m disappointed in you, but I still love you.

As a child, when we incurred disappointment from a parent, a family member, or a teacher, we shamed ourselves for...

Celebrate your wins

Celebrate your wins

We have to start celebrating our wins no matter how small. We tend to celebrate other people’s wins, but then...

The Power of Words

The Power of Words

I took a much needed break and spent some time in Hawaii; half work related (which is not a bad...

Tips to deal with Stress this Holiday Season!

Tips to deal with Stress this Holiday Season!

So this morning, my husband and I were talking about panic attacks. Yeah, straight to the heart wrencher…lol…but, stress can...

Fake it til you make it, right? WRONG

Fake it til you make it, right? WRONG

I used to believe that faking it until you make it was the way to gain confidence. I thought that...